This website contains resources that students can use to aid in the transition to online learning.
Click on the buttons inside the tabbed menu to navigate:
Submitting Assignment Standards: PDF
General Links
Program Resources:
Health & Wellness:
Technology Resources:
General Links
Best Practices: Turn off unnecessary programs during lectures/assessments. If you can, connect with a wired connection. Restart your computer a few hours before assessments to remove any hiccups.
Check your bandwidth limitations: Bandwidth Limitations
Make a Schedule - Time management will be more crucial than ever this year. Track when online classes are, when assessments are, and create a schedule for yourself. Some Apps to Consider Are:
Schedule time away from the computer - Staring at a screen for 8+ hours in a row literally sounds like a bad idea. Take FREQUENT 5-10 minute breaks every hour or so.
Create a Workplace - A designated place to work can be helpful to keep you on task. Try to remove any distractions.
Prioritize Your Health - Use mental health services from the Student Wellness Centre and create time for yourself to be away from schoolwork.
Keep in Touch - Reach out to other students and create study groups. It can be easy to feel isolated in an online environment, so reach out to your peers.
Ask for Help - Don't be afraid to reach out to your peers, instructors, or the school for help. Now more than ever, students asking for help must be normalized and encouraged.
Stay in the Loop - Check on new initiatives from the faculty frequently. For example, check the Student Success Centre on OscarPlus for workshops on developing helpful skills.
Remove Distractions - Put away the phone, the music, whatever it is on your desk that will distract you. Watching an online lecture with your phone next to you is a recipe for disaster!
Take Notes - Even if profs are posting notes after lectures, take notes during lectures as well. Taking notes helps you reinforce concepts you are learning and stay engaged with the video.
Ask Questions: - Asking a question is extremely easy in an online atmosphere. Take advantage of this and ask away!
Office Hours: - If your prof is offering live office hours, take advantage of it. Attending live office hours can help build a sense of community and encourage you to stay engaged with class work. Profs want to connect with students.
Resources for Working with Poor Internet:
Helpful Apps:
Teams acts as a digital hub for collaboration. It is likely most of your classes will be on Teams. These tutorials are aimed to introduce students to teams.
The Basics:
Find your group - There are several ways to reach out to classmates to make a study group.
Create a Channel in Teams - View the following tutorial on how to create a channel.
Finding Meeting Times - Find times where you can consistently meet with your group. There are several websites available that could help you find the best times for a group (i.e. Doodle).
Department Chair:
Dr. Marilyn Lightstone
Office: JHE-310
Phone: +1 905.525.9140 x 27726
Associate Chair, Undergraduate:
Dr. Cheryl Quenneville
Office: ABB-C308 (Mail to JHE-310)
Phone: +1 905.525.9140 x 21797
Associate Chair, Graduate:
Dr. Chan Y. Ching
Office: JHE-103 (Mail to JHE-310)
Phone: +1 905.525.9140 x 24998
Administration, Undergraduate Program
Lily Sazz-Fayter
Office: JHE-310
Phone: +1 905.525.9140 x 24294
Administration, Graduate Program
Nicole McLean
Office: JHE-310
Phone: +1 905.525.9140 x 23097
Academic Advisor - Mechanical Engineering
Sally Williams
Office: JHE-H316
Phone: +1 905.525.9140 x 24646
Co-op Advisor - Mechanical Engineering
Milic Kovacevic
Office: JHE-H312
Phone: +1 905.525.9140 x 24660
Website Last Updated: Aug 12, 2020